Balkans Waste to Products: transfer of NoI model to Balkan area:
de-siloing new waste-derived raw materials and developing new applications - RIS

Project aims:
- Technological exploitation of nanomaterials obtained from waste: iron oxides nanoparticles from iron mining sludge and carbon based materials from low rank coal and agro-waste. Applications: additive for lubricants; materials for fuel cells, electrolysers and batteries; catalysts for cleantech and eco-industry.
- Communication-dissemination events directed to local stakeholders and development agencies, representatives of universities and research centers, etc. fostering the implementation of the NoI model.
News & Events:
Sulcis Innovation Scheme Meeting
Mining tailings management currently represent one of the major issues in all mining sites, such as ...
Visit to the pyrophyllite mine
On April 23-24, 2017, the BlowUp team have visited the location of the pyrophyllite mine in Parsović...
The second networking event organized in Bosnia and Herzegovina
In the framework of the project "Blow Up", project partners, Faculty Science University of Banja Luk...
The first networking event organized in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The 1st networking event in the framework of the BloW uP project was organized on the 22nd of Decemb...

The work plan: discover how the BloW-uP project is organized in workpakages!

Check the Blow-UP Consortium offer and Equipment!

The Blow-Up list of links of friends and project partners! Enjoy them!