SulcIS Meeting
28 - 30 November 2018, Iglesias (IT)
Sulcis Innovation Scheme Meeting | Iglesias 28 - 30 November 2018

Mining tailings management currently represent one of the major issues in all mining sites, such as those in Sulcis-Iglesiente and in the Balkans.

Scientific Meetings
One day of scientific meetings to discuss how to transform wastes from mining/metalurgical activities into major value products within a circular economy perspective.

One day of matchmaking events to desiloing the expertise, competences and technologies to set up scientific/technical collaborations.
The SulcIS Meeting Program
Register to the meeting by 20 November at:
Send your abstract (file name: Cand_Name_Surname) to:
Organizing Committee:
Massimiliano Manis (Associazione Mineraria Sarda),
Gianluca Lilliu (SCOOL), Sara Laureti (ISM CNE; SCOOL)
Photo Credits © Gian Marco Leoni