News & Events:
Sulcis Innovation Scheme Meeting
Mining tailings management currently represent one of the major issues in all mining sites, such as those in Sulcis-Iglesiente and in the Balkans. One day of scientific meetings to discuss how to transform wastes from mining/metalurgical activities into major value products within a circular economy perspective. One day of matchmaking events to desiloing the expertise, competences and technologies to set up scientific/technical collaborations....
Visit to the pyrophyllite mine
On April 23-24, 2017, the BlowUp team have visited the location of the pyrophyllite mine in Parsovići village near the Konjic city in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The mine is currently under the concession of the „Harbi“ company. The pyrophyllite is quite rare mineral and is interesting from many points of view. This company is focusing on it research as an additive in fertilization of the soil (BlowUp results show that it contains a lot of Mg, K, Ca and there is no measurable quantities of any toxic metal). Also one of the promising application is in SO2 adsorption, which is extremely important si...
The second networking event organized in Bosnia and Herzegovina
In the framework of the project "Blow Up", project partners, Faculty Science University of Banja Luka and LIR Evolution organized the 2nd networking event on 4th of September 2018. The topic of the event was the elimination of pollution caused by the processing of raw materials. The seminar was organized in cooperation with the City Development Agency (CIDEA) Banja Luka, an important regional partner supporting local development and links with industrial sectors....
The first networking event organized in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The 1st networking event in the framework of the BloW uP project was organized on the 22nd of December 2017 in Banja Luka by the project partners Faculty of Science University of Banja Luka and LIR Evolution. The title of the networking event was “The remediation of dump sites (hot spots) and unexploited mining resources with nanotechnology potentials in Bosnia and Herzegovina“. 55 participants, representatives of SMEs, research institutes, universities, local and regional development agencies, ministries and civil society organizations, attended the seminar and were able to engage...
BlowUp team on zeolite sampling
Bosnia and Herzegovina is an extremely ore-rich country. Various mines are functioning along the country, especially with the recent influx of foreign investments (examples British „ArcellorMittal“ invested in the iron mine in Prijedor city, Belgian „Carmeus“ invested in the limestone mine in Doboj city etc.).
The zeolites deposits are registered all along the country but are not widely exploited. Bosnian potential for zeolites industry is therefore still unexplored, with only exception a successful company „Alumina“ from Zvornik city, which produces synthetic zeolites and is one of the...
Blow Up WORKSHOP Sofia, 26-27 June, 2018
Blow Up WORKSHOP Sofia, 26-27 June, 2018...
BloW UP first networking event
BloW UP kick off meeting held at University of Banja Luka (BiH)
BloW UP kick off meeting!
BloW UP first networking event “The remediation of dump sites (hot spots) and unexploited mining resources with nanotechnology potentials in B&H” will be held in Banja Luka on 22nd of December....