Institute of Molecular Science and Technology
of the National Research Council of Italy
Via C. Golgi 19
20133 Milano, ITALY
- Metal Vapor Synthesis Reactor “ADCA01M” equipped with two evaporation sources;
- Plasma reactor for PE-CVD / CVC synthesis (Tethis-Plasma Solutions)
- RB-CVD apparatus (Rotary Bed CVD) for CVD deposition of NPs on powder supports (up to 10 g batches)
- Dry Box (0.1 ppm O2 and H2O) for air sensitive materials
- Agilent GCs: three GC FID, one GC-MS
- Steam reforming home-made reactor with on-line gas analysis performed with GC FID-TCD double columns
- HEL and Parr Autoclaves: stainless steel, hastelloy, or Teflon vessels, with oven and automated controller of all the reaction parameters (pressure, temperature and stirring)
- Home-made high T gas-phase reaction testing rig with downstream QMS Thermo VGQ
- Photochemical/photoelectrochemical equipments: Solar simulator (300W Xe lamp with air mass filter, 1 sun, with removable UV filter), several batch reactors for reaction in liquid or gas phase, PEC cells.
- ISTeM facility - Zeiss LIBRA 200FE analytical transmission electron microscope (TEM), equipped with: 200 kV FEG, in column secondgeneration omega filter for energy selective spectroscopy (EELS) and imaging (ESI), HAADF STEM facility, EDS probe for chemical analysis, integrated tomographic HW and SW system;
- ESEM FEG equipped with: secondary and back-scattered electrons detectors, EDAX Microprobe, in-chamber heated sample holder for temperature resolved analysis (up to 1100°C)
- ICP-OES (iCAP 6200 Duo upgrade, Thermofisher)
- NEXUS NIXOLET FT-IR equipped with the Continuμm Microscope accessory for IR microanalysis
- Evolution 600 UV-Vis Thermo Scientific equipped optionally with the diffuse reflection (DR) accessory Prying Mantis Harrick
- Physisorption and chemisorption analyzer ASAP 2020 Micromeritics
- TOC instrument
- TPR/TPD/Chemisorption apparatus and Differential Scanning Calorimetry – TG Analyzer
- FTIR DTGS+MCT, QMS analyzer and DRIFT cell , with the apparatus for operando investigations