Politecnico di Milano
MAT4EN2 - Materials for Energy & Environment Group

CMIC-Chimica, Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica
«G. Natta» Dpt.
Piazzale Leonardo, 32
20133 Milano, ITALY |


MAT4En labs are equipped with conventional laboratory equipments for materials preparation via chemical syn-thesis, solid state reaction, coprecipitation, and wet chemistry in general.
Facilities for coatings of deposition (via dipping, blading, and spraying) on ceramic and metallic of simple and complex ge-ometry. Furnacesfor thermal
treatment up to 1500° are also available .
Equipment for powders slurry production and dip- and blade coating deposition are available.


PEMFC assembly characterization

Test station for electrochemical characterization of materials for PEM FCs Equipped with an electronical load for the measurement of voltage current and output power (RBL48850-150-800) and frequency response analyzer for impedance spectroscopic analysis (MOD. Solartron 1260

  • Polarization and power density curves
  • Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

SOFCs assembly characterization (in collaboration with Energia Department of Politecnico di Milano):

  • Diagnostic Technique for I-V and EIS of single Fuel Cell at lab scale


Several characterization techniques are available directly in charge of the group such as

  • Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, FTIR (Jasco)
  • Optical microscope (Zeiss)
  • X-rays diffractometers (Bruker, Philips)

or avaible inside the CMIC Department, Dipartimento di Chimica, Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica “Giulio Natta” of Politecnico di Milano. Some relevant are: instruments for elemental analysis of non-volatile samples, for thermal and spectrophotometric analyses; Large Equipment Laboratory of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Mass Spectrometry for routine analyses and original research with the addition of HPLC-MS with electrospray source (ESI) and quadrupole ion trap detector; Laboratory of Microstructural Analysis of Materials, with optical microscopes, a Scanning Electron Microscope with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer, a Transmission Electron Microscopy a laser profilometer, a probe scanning microscope operating as STM, AFM or MFM, an X-ray diffractometer for powders and thin films, microdurometers.

BloW UP 150

Balkans Waste to Products:

transfer of NoI model to Balkan area: de-siloing new waste-derived raw materials and developing new applications - RIS

GG SCITEC Logo 2 Colore

 Vladimiro Dal Santo

Duration of project from 04/2017 to 03/2019

Supported by RM Academy EU H2020 Color v2



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